Thursday 17-4-08

In Thailand again. The roads are very good, paved and smooth, much better here than anywhere in the last 5 countries. It is fine
   driving. Last night, after 50 km we checked into a river side hotel and went to rest. In the morning we had a leak on the front break, the
   break housing had a hair crack, we replaced it with a second hand one; it took until noon. Driving towards Bangkok and long into the
   night, we finally slept as often, at a petrol station, where there is ample parking and washing facilities, retiring into "Hotel de la  
   JAMBO" at around 2:00 am.
                   no complain about these roads                                                  we are in Bangkok                                                 
     Friday 18-4-08

   Early up and after our breakfast, we were on route again. The Embassy was found  without searching and  by 8:45 am. We were in
   front of the shining security gate waiting until they open. That was surely a surprise for all the friendly officers. Are we not supposed
   to be in Cambodia and arrive a week later? And now here we are. Driving into the compound seeing our officers smiling and greeting
   us, was like coming home. They may not realize how much a "Selamat Pagi" a welcome  means to  a traveler of almost
   50.000 road kilometer. We were offered comfort and shower, His Excellency the Ambassador arrived and we had a chat with Brunei
   cakes (kueh) and tea on the round table.
                                                                                       His Excellency Pengiran Dato Paduka Hj Sharifuddin Yusof and all staffs

        Curiosity was great and Norhayati had a lot to explain about our expedition proven "JAMBO". "This is the kitchen and here is..."

   Even His Excellency tested the machine, listen to the sound and perhaps who knows? Might travel himself  one day  from Bangkok
   home, to our beloved Brunei Darussalam. He consented for a photo with all staff, many thanks for that. It will enter history.

          His Excellency the Ambassador, Mr Hipni Matarsad, Dk Hairani Tajuddin, Ms Masnisahwati Hj Sulaiman, Ms Asdinah Bakar,
          Hj Matali Hj A.Hidup and Hjh Salwana Hj Mohd Tarif

                                                                               Our Embassy staff in Bangkok

   Thank you all, which helped and were so concerned with our safety and wellbeing. Thank you, we really appreciate it.

                            It was a kind and friendly welcome                                Dk Hairani the "Queen"  of the Embassy     

   The open question was what to do with Cambodia which we wanted to see. We were informed by E-mail it will take at least 5 days to
   get the approval. We could not wait that long, as our final days are approaching fast. Seeking the permission to leave JAMBO in the
   compound we decided to fly to Phnom Penh leaving on Sunday, returning coming Friday. The return ticket for US $170.- each, was
   not that costly. Perhaps we could rent a cheap vehicle to go around while there. E-mails and calls went over lines informing our
   Cambodian Embassy.
   A reasonable priced, but clean hotel which we could afford, became our home, we stay here until Sunday.

     Saturday 19-4-08

oday was our free day. The Embassy on Cambodia got the approval already, they mail to us. That is truly a miracle. But we could
   not return our flight tickets and did not want to waste the funds. Therefore we fly. We used the day to look a bit around Bangkok one
   of the largest cities in the world.

                              On the Cho Phraya river                                                                    traffic in two storey's

   It is the home of official 10 million Thais, but no one really knows how many are staying here.
   Estimates go up to the double. Working or   job seeking Thais, often drift in from rural areas in search for a better live.
   High risers dwarf religious sites, money is king, no not true,   money  became god. That is what everyone is after.
   Shopping malls like CENTRAL WORLD Asia's largest with almost
   1 million sqm that is  1 km by 1 km provide everything from cheap imports to luxurious goods. But let us look realistically as we are
   intelligent grown ups.
   It is this vicious cycle. Create desire by advertising, make the folks wanting what the company has to sell,  from soft drink to
   dresses, computers or socks,  panties and bras, if needed with in-woven sponge that the lady backside look attractive round and sexy,
   (as long as  dressed). Lipstick in 30 colors and shades, shampoo too. You must be modern, be attractive! Shoes last too
   long, therefore they must change form and shape every year from round to sharp tip, to square, heels from thick to slim, high to low.  
   Consume, work hard for your salary and buy again. "Without a  branded fashion shirt you are nothing." 
   The silly consumer carry even the brand  name proudly on a shirt or trouser. "Look what I wear!" He is used as one would use a
   donkey, to carry advertisement for the manufacturer, free of charge. A donkey must be  fed, he consumer pays for it. Can it get more
   "Just consume" tells every advert in various ways. already all your money spend? You get a credit card. Finance it.
    The bankers have to live too.
   On every Shopping Mall entrance stands at least one ATM for you to use. You are charged for drawing money, you are charged for
   borrowing. "Did we became toys?" one ask. Little figures  moved at will by corporations, some richer than countries here
   "When will man ever learn?" goes a song. But it is time, we must!

   God or deities have a small place in inner Bangkok.

   The girls came to pray to PINKANET the elephant deity for luck, hope and art. Behind them screams a coke bottle. Now, no more
   calories if you  drink our carbonated drink. Buy! buy! Never mind the health.
   Miss Arada came too. "She just passed an entrance exam" told me her mother. She came before to pray here for help, it was granted
   and now she is in his prestigious school, that's why she thanks PINKANET."  "Because of the prayer she passed the exam?"
   "Off course she worked hard too" her Mother admitted.

    Miss Arada the happy girl with heir offerings of "thanks"    TRIMURATI the four faced goddess for life, love and work next by

   Behind you see the real "GOD" of these days, and  methods used to get your money.  In colors and large. I almost read SATAN not
   ISETAN under the BIG Brand Bonus.
   But this is only one factor of Bangkok. How to make such a giant concrete jungle more livable is a constant headache of the town
   fathers. Expressway in three storey, sky train, MRT in extension and or making. Recreation parks, lagoons. The morning sun is seen
   only in window reflections.
   "Where does the sun rise mammy?" asked the boy. "In the window of the bank building up on 35th floor" is hardly an appropriate  
   answer. A per capita income of US$20.000 is one of the highest in South East Asia. But such a figure is the income per person and
   does not tell how it is distributed.
   Poor mans hope is Bangkok and he drifts to town for search of work. And hope for girls too.   
   Undereducated, ending up with the "look outs" for fresh young flesh, the pimps, promising glamour and riches if they only relax their
   morality. Having family back home in the village she may -first reluctantly- agree and become a masseuse then a hooker  to earn and
   send money home "dear dad and mom I got a good job very well paid that is why I can send you already money." She will never tell
   what she is doing.
   15 million tourists come every year, to buy, to transit, and stay a night or more. From Down Under, India and Europe and even from
   the black mans home, Africa. Often lured by the promise of a short romance against cash, with a pretty young Thai girl. Elderly men
   with teens hand in hand, some men oversized that one is tempted to ask "how are you going to do it with this beer belly?"
   The drug addicts, flip outs, and drifters, all you find here in Bangkok.

                            That smoking girl is on a drug trip                                                 does she represent a Thai girls desires?

   Colored hair, teeth made perfect with bracelet, pearls and a sexy bikini. The eyebrows enhanced, the laughing  face and on the head
   the devils horns. Has the figure a deeper meaning? 
   The adverts in 25 newspapers and six TV stations and many more cable stations, 50 radio stations make sure you do not sit down to
   reflect e.g. "who am I?" But you consume. Bangkok has cinema, a Theater, culture house and symphony orchestra. But does it make
   it worthwhile to live here? You answer this question best by yourself.  Traditional values are lost with the obsession of money and so
   the spiritual future looks bleak, although in a debate one professor insisted recently, capitalism, that is creating desire and fulfilling it  
   will gradually give place to Buddhism with its aim to control desires and therefore consumerism and capitalism is to fade out. We will

   In the evening we were invited by his Excellency the Ambassador for a fine dinner in his house.


   Guess who was here too? Pehin Datu Inderasugara Brigadier General (B) Dato Paduka Hj Mohammad Yusof of Yangon. with family,
   the very one who came to Mandalay, and Datin with her super tasty Rendang and crackers and cashew nuts  and... but we do not
   want to repeat. A red rose presented Harun to her in appreciation. How does the song goes? " We buy a red rose for a great
   Datin Hjh Mastura"

                                                        A great evening and many thanks for all the honor       

   Bangkok is only one of many big towns, all have similarity. Hasting people, noisy cars, heavy traffic. In Bangkok 5½ mio vehicles 
   compete for space on the road.  
   We are out of here, tomorrow flying to Cambodia.

    Sunday 20-4-08

  Our weekly Rampai Pagi went sour. The connection did not work, not via sat phone nor with landline.
  Only in the last minutes we got through to the studio. So sorry to all who waited and watched.

 If you want to read more you have to click Malaysia


Supported by Tourism Board, Ministry  of Industry & Primary Resources