...still Tuesday but in Sweden now.
   Coming from Finland, we slept on the roadside, fine accommodated behind closed curtains in our hotel del la JAMBO. It was an
   evening one does not forget easily. These colors over the lake radiate peace.

                                                 Nature at it's best. The peace and stillness. Not even a duck was seen        

   Wednesday 26-8-09

   This morning continued our journey toward Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. The distances are long, we drove all day. The general
   speed limit is 80km/h. Sometime up to 110 on dual lane highways. The Swedes are extremely obeying drivers. Always on the safe
   side, they stay 10-20 km below limits. Speed cameras and radar, mounted. on roadside poles enforce the limit rigorously .
   The camera reads you license plate, the radar your speed and the computer print your ticket, should you be too fast. Within days, the
   fine comes into the house, no policeman need to do anything.
   We had often "more on the clock" than was allowed. And never get caught, thanks to our GPS, This wonder of electronic, mounted
   on our front screen tell us when a camera/radar looks at JAMBO. If we are too fast, warning us with a flashing wording on the screen
   "safety camera ahead" plus a ringing tone. Not a bad instrument.
   It was the same GPS, which brought us to Badelundabygden, which was in prehistoric times one of the trading hubs of the Viking age.
   Here Anundshoeg is Sweden's highest burial mount and in the grave field at the foot of the mound (hill) there are large stone ships and
   some twenty large graves.
   When we learned in school days that Columbus discovered America, the teacher should have said, " rediscovered in recent times."
   Because there is evident proof now that the Viking, or Norse men, these explorers, warriors, merchants and pirates raided and
   colonized wide areas from the late eighth to the early eleven century. In their long ships they travelled as far as the Caspian sea and
   Newfoundland, which, as we all know is part of Canada.

           The largest mount of Sweden, burial place of a Viking king                                         A Rune stone for the king.

   The legend tells that  Anundshoeg was a meeting place over centuries for the local population.
   In the middle ages, the newly elected king of Sweden rode past Anundshoeg. Therefore, the road was marked with long rows of 
   Monoliths and one large runic stone

                                                the stones are lied out in an ellipse form "It is a ship" they claim 

             stone, and in the rear the largest mount of Sweden                               the theatrical group in rehearsal

   And just by coincidence, the rehearsal of a theatrical performance took place this very evening, beautiful singing in old Swedish
   language. A feast for eyes and ears hearing the music and seeing the performers dancing between the stones.

   The play goes around a Viking king who intended to unite all smaller kingdoms into one, his, but was killed before. His sons and
   daughters following his dreams of unification and  invited the very rulers to a banquette worthy of kings. The unsuspecting guests,
   while praising the hospitality, were stubborn when it comes to give up their power (nothing has changed since then).
   That evening, they had plenty to eat and even more to drink. What a fine life such a king had those days back Killing such an invited
   king is a pretty standard procedure. Retiring into his chambers, perhaps with a chambermaid to undress him from stinky booth and
   underwear, to wash him a bit, before he sunk into the fresh linen of a kings bed with baldachin and gaze, together with the maid,
   (most of the time.) This was the funny part. While he, intending to snore after these happy minutes until a new sunrise, his
   chambermaid tip toed out, and gave signal to the waiting men. The kings face showed the happiness of the sensual pleasures
   encountered, when the dagger slit his throat.
   All of them were murdered that night, by order of the son. Indeed, drastic measures to unite a land. But at least he climbed up to the
   heaven of love before he went down to a warmer kingdom for all misdeeds.


   The night we slept here in our hotel de la JAMBO.

   Thursday 27-8-09

   On we went towards Stockholm and branched off on this 300 years old village, no more occupied. The typical wood houses were build
   by the Lutheran's that is Christian congregation, as they came for mass on horses from afar. They needed in these harsh weathers a
   place to stay, therefore the whole village was build. There are several reasons to look at it. First we notice that every building was for
   itself. The walls never join with the next house.

                      The village today, as 300years ago                                                        The joining of logs, without nails

                         the roof covered with birch bark                                                             the whitish birch trees

   Then look how the roof was covered. with bark of the birch tree, held down with wood logs..

      The furnace was located in the middle of the house, heating all rooms                    the church and reason for the village

   These wood fired stove was big and warm. The rooms themselves had a low ceiling, that the warmth will not stay up somewhere and
   the air is easy warmed.
   Only 40kmw further is engraved in a granite stone is the saga of Sigurd Fafnesbane, one which is widespread in Europe, especially
   Germany where it is enshrined in Wagner's "Nibelungenlied". An ancient saga and family drama of betrayal, envy and trickery, you
   may want to know.
   Rodmar had three sons" Otter was one of them. When he went for fishing in the shape of an otter, the Norse gods Loki Hoenir and
   Odin  passed by and Loki throwing a stone killed Otter. They went to Rodmar later the evening and show him their prey. The father
   became angry and demanded they fill the otter skin with gold to atone for their crime. Loki went down to the Andvara rapids and used
   his net to catch the dwarf Andvari who had taken the shape of a pike. He had caught him therefore, the dwarf purchased his freedom
   with all the gold he owned except for one golden ring. But Loki wanted it and ripped the ring from the dwarf's hand. The dwarf angry,
   spoke a curse over all who would come in contact with that gold. The curse worked henceforth.


   The father did not want to share the gold, which enraged Fafnir another of the sons, and therefore he killed his father. Later he took
   the form of a snake and watched atop over the gold. The second son wanted the gold desperately. He brought Sigurd a foster son into
   the trickery and  forged a razor-sharp sword, named GRAM. Urged by his foster father, Sigurd dug a hole where Fafnir in the shape
   of a snake usually slithered his way down to the lake to drink. When Fafnir entered in shape of a snake the trap, Sigurd stabbed him
   through the heart.

                               the stabbing of the snake                                                                   burning himself accidentally

   Fafnir dead now, Sigurd roasted the snakes heart over an open fire and burned himself. He put the finger into his mouth to cool them,
   suddenly he understood birdsong.
   The birds warned him, Regin planned to kill him, to get hands on the treasure and advised him to kill Regin.
   Sigurd cut his head off, that his thoughts would not escape into the future.

   The saga goes on. Sigurd met Brynhieldr, which prophesized he would marry another, what had then happen. The course of the ring
   followed him trough his life. Finally he was killed. Although he had a daughter with Brynhieldr, she killed his three year old son too.
   Pretty rough times back then one could say.

                                                             the story in pictures and runes along the snake body

   Steadily, we were approaching Stockholm and found in the afternoon with our GPs- a camping place from which we could go by the
   Metro Subway into the city. We stopped at this cheap and convenient campground to stay for two nights.

   Friday the 28-8-09

   Stockholm the capital of Sweden lies at the eastern shores and the Baltic sea. The name splits into Stock-holm 'log-islet".According
   to a myth of the 17th century, the population of a Viking settlement decided to move to a new place. To determine its location they
   bound gold on the log and let it drift  on lake Maelaren. It landed where today the tower of Birger Jarl stands. Stockholm is  the largest
   city of Sweden. Here lives the monarch, it is the site of the Government. 21% of the Swedish population lives here, a total of over two
   million. Its strategic location has been historically important. Stockholm is known for its beauty, its building and architecture, abundant
   open water and many parks. That is that.

                         The Drama theater                                                                                 Nordic Museum    

                                     A beautiful facade                                                                       and a wall sculpture


                                    an old anchor                                                                           sailing harbor view

                                         The Royal palace guard                                                                       Black and proud

                                    making a living                                                            on the Gustav Adolph square

   A powerful nation needs a powerful army, and if she lies on the sea, she needs ships the bigger and mightier the better. Therefore no
   wonder that in the 1620ties Naval architects and King put their head together to design the greatest of all ships, the terminator of all
   what else floats on seas far and wide, the one which will teach the arch enemy, the Poles a lesson for hundred of years to come.
   Which, once in use, will dominate the sea from the Baltic to Jerusalem. This warrior of oceans was planned big.
   62 meters she should be said the architect. "No!" one Nobel man commended. "the King likes the number 7. Then we just add on and
   make her 69 meters.
   "And she must be high, to strike fear by only seeing her." Everyone of the honorable and distinguished Ministers agreed.
   From the keel to the mast top she became 52m. "My King, 1100 square meter sail should give her enough speed to catch up with
   any fleeing enemy ship and a shot out of one of her 64 guns would sink a Polish vessel to where  everyone belonged. To the bottom
   of the sea. Our 24 pounder, cannon will give it to them." declared the naval chief and everyone agreed.
   Indeed a cannonball had the weight of 12 kilo. Falling on a ship, it will hammer its way trough all decks to become ballast in the keel
   or worst, make hole hard to seal again.
   What name shall she bear? "VASA shall be her name" the king decided.
   Within 2 years she was build. Figures of the mythology adorn her to give moral strength,

                                                   That is she, the pride of Gustafus Adolphus the king of Sweden

                  On the stern, the kings seal held by lions.                                 And a Pole squeezed under a bench, symbol of defeat

                      Hercules was on board too                                                and  the lion on the bowsprit

                        and even angels innocent in their nakedness                                        a mermaid and a roman soldier

   All of these figures and artifacts had to ensure that the mightiest warship of all Swedish times will have a long life.
   "She will live us all long out and will be famous one day" were the  words of the soothsayer which was called to predict her future.
   And everybody was happy, and  clapped proudly, honoring what the great King and his entrusted men had achieved for the Glory of
   Sweden. The 145 sailors had been hired, the best of Stockholm, 300 soldiers manned the cannons, officers and captain were
   selected, the ship was ready to sail.
   On this historic day, the 10th of August 1628, the King Gustavus Adolphus was up early. He had problem with the his digestion and
   just got an enema from his personal physician, but this morning his ship, the one which will bring loot and booty from enemies land,
   the vessel no one dare to challenge, will set out to the maiden voyage. He wanted to be on board on this day of triumph, therefore he
   Arriving at the harbor in his Kings coach, he saw VASA rising high out of the blue waters in all her splendid colors, painted on so
   lavishly. The king felt great. All guests were present, the waterfront was full with onlookers. Even on rooftops they stood awaiting  this
   moment of greatness, in which the ship was perhaps more important than their ruler. When the music band had end their part, the
   king walked up the ramp and into the ship, passing saluting officers.


   On the way up were mounted these mighty cannons, ready to bring dead and destruction. He was perhaps inspecting them ,just as
   Norhayati did almost 400 year later. Following  the captain to the upper deck and he walked to the reeling. Seeing him, the crowd on
   the pier cheered. "What a feeling this was, looking down to the people so small" he thought and gave the command. to set sail.
   All hands worked and in no time the ship had sails up and a gentle breeze pushed her away from the pier. But, why is she leaning to
   one side? The king exclaimed and indeed the ship inclined to starboard. "every man to the other side". Men rushed to board and the
   ship balanced itself upright again. "Huh this was a shock" "You Majesty it is only a small matter" the captain said.

   And on this historical very morning the sails set King on board VASA was on her maiden voyage." She will join my Baltic fleet
   victorious in this 30 years war " was the last words of the King. Just 2 km away a sudden breeze blow into the sail and she foundered
   within minutes. Mighty VASA leaned under sails until she capsized. What a dirty twist of faith. The largest and most heavily armed
   warship of her time adorned with hundreds of sculptures sunk on that day. These were witches" claimed the population. "A curse"
   said others. It was hard to explain. But today we know the factors. She had not enough ballast, and the king's subordinates had not
   enough courage to discuss the structural problems. Then again, with enough ballast the cannon openings would be too low above the
   waterline. The ship was a miss concept.
   With her sunk a hope of early victory. There was never an official outcome of the enquiry. Just as today in high politics.

       the replica shows not enough ballast to keep her upright                           cannon openings, too low over the water

    The soothsayer was right. This monstrous mistake went into history books.

   It is Friday evening, and cold,. We write these lines in JAMBO. Tomorrow we move south. Perhaps out of Sweden.

   We close today with a photo from the camping ground here.
   Is there anyone still out there who claims women are the weaker sex?  Look at this poor fellow. he can hardly breath, holding her
   intentions at bay. Gosh, this web site is not for the under aged.Further then click Denmark where our wondrous journey continues