
     Ending April 09  in Brunei

   The journey takes shape.  All, those who wondered, what has happen to our expedition, are to be told now, we are traveling, Later
   as planned though, as we are leaving in June 09. Dear reader who clicked fruitless in for news, thank you for being patient.
   Our expedition took off already a few month ago when we begun to look for what is hard to find in Brunei: Sponsorship. Yet, don't tell
   me our folks do not have patriotism, because I proof you otherwise. Here and now.


   Cityneon the guys who beat the drum loud for everyone whoever orders them to do so, these advertising professionals, likely the
   best event managers around, stretched a helping hand free of any charge. This Mr. Jack Ting the boss of bosses, the out
   performer when it comes to marketing, invited us in February to a four day RTB fair here in Brunei, offered picture-posters and lined
   us up in the hall, for every visitor to admire and wonder, how a female Brunei Malay could endure the past overland expedition
   from South Africa, home to Borneo, without Ambuyat, fried chicken, or the weekly family wedding ceremonies. And on top, pay
   herself for it." Is she of sound mind? Or is there perhaps something more important behind?" Some might have asked.

   Ha Ya, and on the highway through the country, 'JAMBO' our vehicle and companion lured down from the corner of  mega posters,
   as if he would demand: "Come on and wake up you patriots, help to easy the constrain, pull from your pocket the surplus coins and
   donate for a good cause. You feel patriotism! Love for our Nation. Together we do good for her, cherish her and carry her respected
   name into the world. John F. Kennedy's statement sprung into my mind:
   "Do not look for what the country can do for you, but what you can do for the  country."
   Wise and appropriate words, which I try to follow.

   In front of this  BITC EXHIBITION  organized by the very Cityneon, stood JAMBO, bonnet open, interior exposed, for folks to see.
   "Great journey, please a photo, when are you going again? To where?". Many people, many questions.      
    The one or other climbed behind the steering, holding it strong, as if he would be pacing on a bush road somewhere in the hinterland
    of our planet. Suddenly we realized, we were celebrities, at least for some.
    All thanks to Jack Ting of Cityneon. These perfectionists will also provide the JAMBO posters, extra strong, to last,
    for an extra special price.

   The Ministry of Home affairs gave permission to collect sponsorship for our new expedition, and therefore we had an account book
   and box on our table, The monies trickled in. In four days we collected B$ 970.50.

   You might say that is not enough. Right you are. But it was something, as it came from our people. Mostly from the simple men out
   there which in the quest for livelihood had to turn the coin twice before spending. Those who go to a restaurant until the 20th of the
   month, afterwards awaiting the next salary.
   It made me grateful. What do you say to the 8 year old Malay boy, who dropped his pocket money of a B$ 1.-bill in our box
   instead of having an ice-cream?
   Surely he saw here is something special and dad would have explained it to him. Moved by his gesture, we thanked and refused,
   rather returned two dollars into his tiny hands.
   Take Shamsiah Hj. Hidop, she gave B$ 200.-, or Amp. Ammilee Amp. Hj. Mohamad with B$ 100.-. Hjh Maimunah with B$ 50.-,or
   Pg Haji Abdul Ghani Pg Haji Sulaiman, he donated B$ 30.-. Or 50 more donors, which gave not because they expect something in   
   return, rather to be part of a coming event, exceptional in his greatness.

  Maybe a 40 letters went out over the weeks. To all dignitaries I could think off, the rich, the super rich, including the rich locals and
  many businessmen, but up till now, almost all of them remain silent.

   However there are outstanding examples of the opposite. Take the member of woman business council, they donated B$ 206.-.
   Take the Arab families. We spend an evening in their restaurant on their sons birthday party.
   B$1000.- was handed to us for our journey.
   We did no have to beg them, Shaikh Khalid Shaikh Ahmad contacted us. That is spirit of the finest.
                                                   The Arab family with us                                                    cash in hand, smile in her face  

   Time went by, slowly more came forward. as if awakening from a long sleep. RTB purchased  six episodes of our films, shot during
   the last journey, and plan to buy another seven. The Language and Literature Bureau will publish two volumes of our past expedition.
   We get royalties, once they are on sale.
   And there is TOTAL for TOTAL support as a headline in Brunei Times named it.                                                                        

                                                                    B$ 10.000.-

                                                          Mr. Louis HEUZE the GM, with a big check and a big amount

           Dear and honorable reader. Please look close. This is true patriotism and spirit, for which the French are so famous for!
           Behind 10.000.- they write "only". This generous help is not "only" it is "plenty" for us.
           From my heart I wish TOTAL success in my beloved Brunei. Thank you so much.
           And thank you Sheik Jamaluddin, for your support too.                      

                                 The highest donation over all, came from the French, came from TOTAL

                  'JAMBO' in his new outfit                                                                        Once upon a time in Greece

   They gave for the Africa trip already before and now again. But not only money, on route they will support us too, as it was in Tehran.
   "Brunei Times", the newspaper, known for quality writing, for honest but critical reporting, spread the news of our journey. Thank you
   very much for that. People need to know what is gong on.

   In another exhibition which followed, we had the donation box out again, and collected B$ 203.-.then we put the box ashamed away.
   Well, there was this gentleman who came along, He looked and said: "You should not collect from the ordinary people, as you will
   never get your funds together. You are Malay, you must approach your community, Those who have over-sufficient." Suddenly I
   realized he had a point there.
   Henceforth the donation box went under the table and we doubled our efforts in the area of  "upper riches"
   There must be Patriotism too!

   As on the Africa trip the first time, the Brunei Tourism board in the forefront Dato Paduka Hj Hamdillah Hj Abdul Wahab and
   Sheikh Jamaluddin supported us. Not only in letters but also in funds. They buy advertising space on  'JAMBO'.
   There are more good news from the Government sector. Ministry of Education invited me, to hold motivational talk in five schools
   against a fee.
   JAMBO undergoes a rigorous inspection and repair. No, not at a road side mechanic. In NBT, the super dealer and workshop
   par excellence.
   They agreed to help in such a generous way. New brake discs and shoes, water pump, calibration, gearbox repair, shock
   absorbers, you name it. They must have spend thousands already, on top facing the difficulty of obtaining parts.
   That spurs our confidence, as these repairs are a must before leaving.
   Now every rolling kilometer will remind us of the generosity and help of NBT, particularly the Managing  Director Nina Jakoi, but also
   thanks to the service team fore excellent work on our travel companion, named JAMBO.


                                      At NBT, the workshop of excellence                                       brand-new brakes

   We install now extra fuel tanks on both sides of the frame, custom fabricated. To make sure there is no leak, we fiberglass them with
   two layer. Ken and Tan Sdn.Bhd. gave us a fair price for the job. They build normally nice boats, but here they helped.

                                                          Now we bunker 250 liter diesel, enough for 1700 km.

   'JAMBO' has new 'boots'!  SIN HUP HUAT TIRE CO provided 5 new Goodrich Baja tiers for free. The same we had on our long  
   journey.   Should you want tires which last over 50.000 km, they are the right dealer for. Many thanks to them.

                                                                 The new "shoes" of 'JAMBO'

                                      52,000km super Tire                      Mdm. Stephanie Chong, Marketing & Advertising Manager             
                                                                                                                 of Sin Hup Huat Co.

   33 K we got so far on donations, (including, but still outstanding funds) that sound allot.
   But sharpen your pencil.
   Local company  B.T Forwarding took our case up  and for B$ 4800.- (they gave a little discount) the container is shipped to Russia. 
   Port Clearing/customs in Russia will cost  another B$3000.- the least, it is said in the internet. 
   Then we have to travel too. Our flight is B$ 3800.- ,stay a few days in a hotel before steering JAMBO towards the Russian west for
   15.000 km.
   The "Carnet de passage"  issued in Germany, our guarantor for  smooth custom formalities had cost  B$ 2460.-.
   Deposit B$ 10.000.-.Thanks to the ADAC for issuing this "car passport", which is in our hand and valid for one year.
   One has to see them with documents and cash.
   Medical Insurance for both of us, B$ 2400.- for one year.
The flight/return to Germany B$ 2000.-
   Although we have lots of equipment, we needed additional items, some we purchased already, like mosquito proof shirts. and an  
   inverter to obtain 220 V from battery power. Books and maps too. There is more to come. Another GPS with Russia map, that
   was B$ 1560.-.
   The funds available now, will last until we curve into the compound of our High Commission in London, sometimes in
   September/October 09, or to Austria, or eventually even until Morocco. From there on, we do not know as of now.
   Perhaps we buy two camels and pull 'JAMBO' behind. That would give the less literate folks time to decipher our intentions while
   walking along with us.
   Sleeping  again in our JAMBO most of the time, we save funds and protect our expedition machine with our presence.
   We have to thank the officers of land transport for all help and support. However as we intended to start our journey in Japan, we had
   to realize, that Brunei registered cars are not allowed to drive there. Others, including many European countries are, due to an
   agreement to which Brunei is not signature. And our car insurers. We tried to obtain an insurance for Russia, and were
   willing to pay, but "sorry, no can do! Company policy" They have to wake up and adjust to international standards. There is more in
   the world than Sabah and Sarawak.                      

                         Doa Selamat read by Hj Abdul Mutalip Hj Osman            Mdm Hjh Norliha Hj Abu Bakar of Telbru
                         of Pusat Sejarah.
     The Department of Tourism leased the prime advertising space on JAMBO, as you can see, which also help to easy our
     financial burden. We keep the "Kingdom of Unexpected Treasures"  shiny at all times. Many thanks for this help.   

     Before loading, a prayer  was held asking for the blessing of the ALMIGHTY.
     And as we see Telbru the communication experts moved in. They had been in the past and now again, the provider of a satellite   
     phone with 500 minutes free calling time, that the RTB audience will be up to date on happenings on route.
     We only hope the first connection is not the last call for help as we are robbed of all, including the pants.
     Do not laugh please! We tell you later, what is to expect right on the start of our journey.
     But first, many thanks to them for the generous lending of the satellite phone, including the very 500 minutes free airtime. 
     For the ones who do not know how a sat phone works, let me explain: While your "handy" signal goes to a nearby receiver,
     often a ugly mast standing somewhere in the vicinity, the satellite phone does not need that. It connects direct up
     to a satellite high above you. That means you can use it almost anywhere on the planet, as long as there is free sky above.
     Your talk goes up and down again into the earthly network, including some computers of the NSA in USA and other secrete
     services like the Mossad, which are keen to know whether you are talking bad, whatever that is for them.
     But never mind, we cannot change that.   

                     a bit nervous                                              Mr. Javed Ahmad ,Managing Director of Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam
                                                                                     and some o his bank staff

     Our Islamic Bank  had been very patriotic this time. B$ 5000.- they gave, that was good news for the journey.

     I was asked to hold a motivational talks in front of the bank employees. Nervous I was standing in front of these mathematical
     minds, trained to calculate the interest rates and risks involved, down to the 5th number behind the comma, trained to be smarter
     than others, looking into futures and commodities, into investments, all for the sake of making money and more money for
     all who asked them, and naturally themselves too.
     No easy task but I sincerely hope, I was able to bring my simple message over, that motivation must be like a partner to you,
     one who wants only your best. That challenges are no barriers, but there for you to learn how to overcome them.
     To be motivated means, growing in your personality, as you learn on your way.

     We know, a frog's worldview is different from an eagles perspective. The frog cannot see the horizon.
     He jumps at will, guessing to land. The same limited view have disinterested or misinformed people.     
     From the eagles perspective your decisions are different.
     And with your Islam upbringing, your consciousness involved, your judgments are likely the right ones, not driven only by greed,
     like in the 1997 crisis when foreign banks and hedge funds ruined the economies of whole nations through currency manipulation.
     Just for the sake of money and power, destroying the savings of people who had little.
     Or like the present happenings on the financial world stage.

     "You are in position to apply Islamic principles and justice, please do it with determination." I said.
     "The end of your carrier and live will tell, if your decisions along the way where beneficial for all involved, just as the holy Koran
     As on our expedition, on every turn or junction we had to consider, if our move is correct, planning herewith the outcome and
     success of our journey."
     Many thanks once more for this generous gesture which will not be forgotten on our long way through the world.
     A general word about banks:
     What a great help is the work of banks to the economy. How would  a big project be executed without a credit guarantee
     ahead of it?
     That is the beauty.
     We see, it does not go without them, they collect your deposit to borrow it out again.
     Sure they snip a percentage away, just as  the estate agent claiming a  commission if you lease his property.
     But is seems to be OK that way.

     In Islamic Banking, such as ours, they share the risk and earnings with you, the borrower. Much better; is it not?
     Thanks, our Islamic Bank has  Islamic principles, and does not lure the customer into something he cannot afford.
     That is one of the beauties of  Islamic banking. especially  when it comes to other practices of lending,
     the personal loans, which allow me to mention on our humble web site:
    When I see a big 4W/D or another costly car, my first look are the tiers. How often I see worn out
    ones and knew the owner could not afford the vehicle. He struggles along with installments, school fees and so forth.
    He could not resist the temptation luring from Advertizing posters, or the sign on shops. "BANK LOAN AVAILABLE" which is
    "INTEREST FREE". That is only half of the truth. There is noting as such as "interest free". Lending money cost always.
    He pays the interest in another way, in fees or jacked up selling price.
    Honesty should step in here, don't you  think so?   
   There is one outstanding gentleman, Sheik Abas. Himself a traveler of the globe, and successful business man. We were in town
    in the car, when suddenly a flashy 4 wheel drive appeared and stopped next to us. Out came Sheik Abas, in his hand an envelope,
    he swung himself into our vehicle. "Here" he said: " it's a small donation from me for your journey. It is nothing, just a token"
    When counting this "token", it  was B$ 1000.-. A tidy donation from an individual person.

    The Ministry of Education invited me to hold motivational talks in some schools, which I gladly accepted.
    Our youth is our future. There is no other one. They are the foundation of our beloved Brunei, which must not crumble under the
    weight of responsibly ahead of us. Now, our youth grow up in a safe and secure environment, but this makes sometimes people
    attitude slack preferring to go the easy way.

                Raja Isteri Hjh Mariam Secondary School Serasa                             Muda Hashim Secondary School,Tutong

    Therefore I said:
    "You students must take up responsibilities, even daily small ones, the sooner the better. You will not have someone taking care of
    you as it is now. Mama or Ammah will not always be there to serve you. Take care of your live!
    Train yourself in endurance for the days when hard work will determine the success you got.
    One day you all marry and want to have not only children, but a home too.
    You will carry the responsibility of parenthood and good education for your kids.
    Deep fried chickens do not fly through the air for everyone just to open their mouth.
    That is just for a few selected people. You got to earn the chicken wings you like to eat. With handwork or brain, or both, whatever
    your abilities are and your educational background.
    "Learn, learn, learn!" is my advice to you. You will need all of it in your future. 
    To the Permanent Secretary Datin Paduka Mdm Apsah Hj Abdul Majid many thanks for all you did, and to teachers and officers
    which listen to me, I hope I have not disappointed you, but rather helped a bit in your important work. The cheers and clapping seem
    to support the case. 


     The good news concerning financial matters do not end here! There is this communication giant DST.
     What would be Brunei without them?
     When in old days a longing heart had to wait for the reply letter of the loved one for a week or so, should she reside out of town,
     today the mobile phone and SMS feature allows exchange of feelings in seconds. A Flushing face of a youngster does not
     mean he/she endures a painful sunburn, but rather resulted from some cozy message over the handy, which stirred up the
     innermost. Seeing a person these days, the hand on the ear, the eyes starring into the distance, a smile on the face means
     simple, someone talks  "sweet mouth" on the mobile phones the other end.
     This very SMS text messaging, a thumb exercise, should not be underestimated in its speed. Some are so swift, a chief secretary
     would not be as fast with 10 finger typing. Off course shortening words was paramount. "Four you" became "4U" for instance.
     DST channels by the hundred thousand phone calls and messages at any time of the day and therefore the service must be
     excellent. Here is, where quality and expertise of the DST management and officers come in.
     Impossible would be the world without a phone. Just think of an Emergency, and you see how useful they can be.
     The cost to you the user remained reasonable, be it a landline or a handy. No wonder, kids birthday wish is a mobile phone with all
     facilities attached.
     DST com, the telephone service provider, and one of the best companies around, is to be thanked for their generous donation to our
     Expedition.  Patriotism is no more an empty word in Brunei. At least for some, such as DST.

         Mr Hj Marsad Hj Ismail, Group Development Officer, DST.                              will keep DST sticker clean

                                                                               DST Management Officers
                 Teachers Associations Brunei Darussalam


Many thanks to the Teachers Association which manage to donate from their hard earned monies B$ 300.00 for our good cause.
Once more its proofs that we Malay have inherited the spirit of patriotisms from our forefathers.
This gesture of giving, will not be forgotten.

Thank you very much to all of you.

      11/6/09 Thursday, the day of loading JAMBO

     Our TV station RTB was present in Muara port. The famous newspaper "Brunei Times" too.

                 RTB News Crew in action with JAMBO

                                        latching  JAMBO                                                Brunei Times Reporter Mr Adib Noor

              securely locked, we will meet JAMBO again in Vladivostok              Here my hubby is still full of confidence...

      ...but returning from Singapore he had another story. Just read on.

       18/6/09  Tuesday

       Dear reader, as you can see, we have obtained the visas until Europe.  For Russia and Kazakhstan, double entry.
       The most difficult one was Russia. We needed an invitation from Russia itself, which was provided by a service agent
       against a hefty fee.

                        Russia Visa                                             Mongolia Visa                                       Kazakhstan Visa
      Submitting the passports at the bulletproof window in their Russian Embassy, the consular officer and our accompanying Russian
      gentleman chatted in their language. Suddenly the door swung open, the consular officer approached Harun, asking: Do you carry
      a gun on your journey?"

       "No, of course not". He replied. Soon we realized how rightly the question was asked.
       Here we heard for the first time, and it is nowhere in the internet mentioned, that between Vladivostok and Irkutsk, 3000 over km,
       the Gipsy Mafia calls the shots.
       Roadblocks and extortions are daily happening on the only road to West.
       And that just a few weeks ago a German couple lost all they had, but were luckily not killed.
       Unfortunately in all this, the police is underpaid too.

      Honorable follower of these events, what would you do? The Russian Embassy officer said, either convoy, which is not that safe
      either, or load the vehicle onto the train, or better just do not go there.
      We decided to ask our Brunei Embassy in Moscow and Mr. Ahmad Iskandar Bahar recommend also the train as the most safe
      overland travel option.
      Now, we still in Brunei, got from our Embassy in Moscow the address of two reliable forwarders, which we are contacting.
      Lets hope they reply. Further we will ask the Embassy for a translation of the recommendation letter of our Tourism Department,
      into Russian.
      Our plan now is, to leave JAMBO in the port, until we have cleared all uncertainty and know what we are doing.
      If we load the vehicle onto the train, that would be fine, provided it is safe.
      We bring it until NOVOSIBIRSK about 5000 km away, turn south from there into Kazakhstan, traverse the country and get out in
      the West again to Russia, towards Moscow.  If we get a cheap flight to Mongolia from Kazakhstan, we leave JAMBO there and
      visit the country by plane. If not, it will come another time.

      We are keen to see Siberia. An endless land, with limitless resources, minerals, gold, oil and gas. Almost empty, with population
      in a few towns only,  otherwise tundra. It is cold. Most of the land in permafrost, meaning, only the surface thaws in summer.
      Where in winter the temperate will drop to -40 degree C or even more.
      Where immense waters flow northward to the sea, and when frozen are used as highways due to lack of a road network.
      Where during the communist regimes millions of humans such as you and I, perished in labor camps.

        Here you can see from Vladivostok to Moscow is a long, long way.  (Wikipedia)                         Flattened trees
                                                                                                                                  photo from the Soviet Academy of Science

    But about all that we will write later.

    Now we like to make you familiar with an explosion which went into the history books as the Tunguska Event.
    It was on 30th June 1908 during the Russian Revolution when in the Tunguska river area a powerful  mid air explosion occurred.
    This is how an eyewitness reported what he had seen: (Wikipedia).
    "I was sitting by the house in the morning at Vanavara trading post (65 km away). At about 7:14 am, suddenly I saw direct North,
    over Onkoul's Tunguska road, the sky split in two and fire appeared high and wide over the forest.
    The split in the sky grew larger, and the entire Northern side was covered with fire. At that moment I became so hot that I could not
    bear it, as if my shirt was on fire; from the northern sky where the fire was, came a strong heat.
    I wanted to tear off my shirt and throw it down, but then the sky shut closed and a strong thump sounded, and I was thrown a few    
    yards.... After that, such a noise  came as if rocks were falling or cannon were fired. The earth shook...
    When the sky  open up, hot wind raced between houses like from cannons.

    And a newspaper reported, that peasants saw in North West high above the horizon some strange bright (impossible to look at)
    bluish white heavenly body which for 10  minutes moved downwards. The body appeared as a "PIPE", i.e. a cylinder.

   The sky was cloudless, only a small one was observed in the general direction of the bright body. as the body neared the ground
   (forest) the bright body seemed to smudge (get dirty) and turned into a giant billow of black smoke and loud knocking was heard, as
   if artillery was fired. All buildings shook. At this moment the cloud begun emitting flames...
   All villagers were stricken with  panic...
   Honorable follower of our events:" Are we here encountering the explosion of a giant UFO?" If it was a meteoroid as the science
   claim, why would be such a meteoroid remain 10 minutes in the sky and in the form of a cylinder?
   Do no go lightly over it! In another village (Kezhemskoe) a noise like a strong wind was heard. Afterwards a horrific thump sounded,
   followed by an earthquake which shook the buildings. Then came the second thump, then the  third. 
   Afterwards for 5-6 minutes an exact  likeliness of artillery fire was heard. 50-60 salvoes in short, equal intervals.
   In 1927 a scientific party reached the site. To their surprise there was no crater. But the tress had flattened, about  50 km across.
   What has happen?
   Over the next days, nightly skies in Asia and Europe were aglow to an extend, that in London one cold read a newspaper at night.
   For me, a meteorite explodes not in installments and not as a cylinder and not for long 10 minutes. A meteor is an instant event.
   Who has then answer? Science? UFO freaks? Nothing substantial on material was ever found. A few microscopic pieces of metal
   said to be from meteorites was found in barks of trees.
    It is now generally accepted, that we are not alone in the Universe, as planets have been found circling stars such as our sun.

   Curious as we are, we had planned to travel to the Tunguska, first by plane then hire a vehicle or ride on horseback.
   But with the unstable security as it unfolds, that would be likely suicidal.

   Brunei 24-6-09

   Gentlemen and doubtful readers, our web site, the journey, get slowly world attention.
   Below our picture of the San woman in a Russian magazine.


                          Представительница бушменского племени Сан. Фото с сайта overthehorizon.net

 Испанское реалити-шоу обвинили в неуважении к
 африканским племенам

   Испанская неправительственная организация обвинила организаторов местного реалити-шоу в неуважении к африканским  
   племенам, принимающим участие в проекте. Об этом в среду, 13 мая, сообщает AFP.

   По словам правозащитников, работающих в Испанской комиссии по оказанию помощи беженцам, авторы программы
   "Затерянные в племени" исказили информацию о членах африканских племен, показав их невежественными людьми с
   первобытными представлениями

   and in a Polish site named  GOSPODARKA we found it too

  This is from GLOBAL VOICE


   As part of their efforts to commemorate 25 years of Brunei Independence, a husband and wife team, Harun and Norhayati and
  husband will undertake an epic expedition  from March 2009 to October 2010, traversing Siberia/Russia/Mongolia and Kazakhstan
  /Iran /Syria on their way to Europe, reaching England after 25,000 km.  They will continue southbound via France and Spain to
  Morocco and along the African West coast until Cape Town, South Africa. From there , they will ship the expedition vehicle to
  Buenos Aires Argentina; drive down to Ushuaia the last town before the Antarctica and cross the  Americas on the long haul
  until Alaska,  before returning to Brunei in October 2010.

                                                                                         Photos courtesy of Over the Horizon

   Norhayati and Harun are no strangers to global expeditions as they undertook  a Trans Africa Journey  from South Africa to  Austria
   in 2007. Norhayati was the first Bruneian to travel across 13 countries or 21,000km from Europe, Middle East to North Africa in a
   four-wheel drive in 1999. She also led a team of five local women to conquer Africa's Mt Kilimanjaro, the first Asian team to climb
   the world's highest volcanic mountain in 2001, to mark ‘Visit Brunei Year.'

   Good luck  and make your country proud!

    A build up picture is from POLYVORE  website with our Borana man in Ethiopia.


              this in Crismartenson.com USA website ( Oman)                                         from Asia Finest.com website

   We are happy that others publish what we have seen or have done. My beloved Brunei get recognition.
   There are several more sites, including a Jewish which brings photos including ours of Biblical places from Iran when we were at
   the Solomon's mothers palace. It is interesting. All are our photos.


The Vladivostok expenses skyrocket. We have now an offer to clear our vehicle through custom and ship it
to NOVOSIBIRSK for Euro3150.-  that is B$ 6400.-.. A hefty sum. We wait now for an other offer and then decide.
To drive through the mafia invested thousand of kilometers on the begin of the long journey,  that would be risky and foolish.
Therefore we likely have to swallow this bitter pill.


Click on the link to follow the journey

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