Thursday 27-9-07

   Opening doors a cool morning awaited us. We only now saw where we had camped the night. A wide dry field. Nature has shown its
   profusion during spring and summer, now in autumn, the grass is dry. Over summer, flowers became seeds, now life retreats back
   into the roots, to wait out the cold windswept winter. But one day in coming spring  the sun will spread the warmth again, awakens
   all who could not migrate south to warmer regions, but had to endure the cold. Then the land will be filled with flowers, insects and
   chirping birds again.

                          Last day in Turkey                                                 the last top up  73 liters diesel, US$ 130.- that is B$ 200.-

   The border control was fast and efficient. The Green card is valid one month, cost B$ 250.- And the good news, JAMBO got resident
   permit for Europe of a half year. By 26/3/08 the vehicle has to be out of the EU. That fit our time plan  to travel back home to Brunei.
   Leaving the border we drove  the Highways westbound  until late afternoon when reaching the Thessaly plains and METEORA, famous
   for his monasteries, build high up on the sandstone formations.

                                            Thessaly in Greece                                                     see the Tourists busloads arriving?

                        "Here on those barren rocks, thousands of orthodox ascetic monks,
                          have learned to be wise in thought and humble in will"

   These monks have forsaken the world and retired into the peace and quietness of such a monastery.  Many travelers found here
   spiritual refreshment. and  inner peace. Sin (negative thoughts and emotions like greed, lust, aggression) is driven out and
   personalities are formed. Hermitages existed already in the 11th century in Meteora, monks were living in caves or small cells. The
   monasteries were build later. It strikes me that whether Islam our religion, Buddhism or Christianity, the way to the Almighty is never
   the turbulent life, but rather prayer and meditation. "Coming here" I read "The visitor or pilgrim is usually completely preoccupied with
   external affairs and the life of nature, without taking a single step in the direction of learning the secrets of the soul."

   Why does the world then run after money and material gain 8 hours a day, 7 days a week with little time for reflection?     

   As we  have seen before, lots of tourists come and visit the place. Busload  by Busload, dressed decently this time as otherwise they
   are not permitted to enter. Women have to wear a scarf.  Some 800 years these monasteries exist and look today as if newly build.
   Carved wood, gilded screens, and the marvelous icons, all products of skillful hand. Wondering, the tourist walk the permitted stairs
   and alleys, flickering lights come from candles and lamps and somehow involuntarily they whisper words of prayer. And after a such
   a hasty group visit, they go on with their holiday. Next town,  next  site to be visited, they paid for the rush.


   In old days whoever wanted to enter a monastery, was pulled up by a rope. No other access was possible. Food came the same way.
   That made people think twice before visiting. How many prayers went up into the sky while the visitor was hanging  a 100 m aloft in a
   net. Shaky holding himself onto and thinking: "My life hangs on a tread". How true it was.
   Today bridges and comfortable stairs make a visit easy.


   We settled for the night in a camping ground under the cliffs which had warm shower. Yes that is something to report to you. After
   almost 4 1/2  month on tour, one gets humble; hot shower is special!  Walking later along the road there was a grill fire next by, the
   smell of sausages in the air, that made us to sit down and  order one. When it came, the sausage skin was hard and bone-dry.
   Harun: "Waiter! "Voriste parakalo? "(What is it please?)" Your sausage must have been on the grill since 1964!"  "What?" " The skin
   is hard like tortoise shell."  "What sell? I no buy nothing".
   Harun took the sausage and knocked on the edge of the table.  "You see it no breaks it is hard!" Now understanding he became stiff
   like a soldier on rapport or the sausage itself: "This is how we Greek eat the sausage!" "Mr. Chef" said Harun, "the skin is so strong,
   we can patch up our Africa tires, if you only have a glue."  Paying half price, we packed out and went to bed.

     Friday 28-9-07

   It was a sunny morning. We made a few more photo and were on our way westwards to Igomenitsa the departure port. It was a
   beautiful autumn day. The air was cool and the view spectacular. Thessaly must be nice to hike.


   Only part of the East- West Highway through Macedonia is ready. Therefore we went for hours mountain passes up and down into
   valleys with trickling streams  Honey sellers, fruit stalls, Sheep and Sheppard  (with mobile phone).

   Farmers roadside stalls will soon have no business anymore once the highway is completed. We reached Igumenitsa town and port
   by afternoon. The ship was to sail by 7:00 pm and will be in Bari/Italy, in the morning. Rather slowly. But never mind, we have the
   time of a whole night.
   Dear reader you might miss Greece in the story. but we rushed trough. On our way home to Brunei we  touch the history of this great

                        port of Igumenitsa                                                              sailing into the night and Italy

   Loading JAMBO into the ferry, we went to our cabin.  Sitting here writing this words I keep reflecting. Actually I do not know if we were
   "brave" what many people commented. Never I had any doubt, that we will not make it trough this tormented continent, called Africa.
   Troubles and worries we had yes, but all were solved. Good times were too, especially when alone in the desert.
   Often we had been asked, the last time today, with surprise "You did this trip alone? With one car? Promoting your country? You are
   very brave!" I do not think that is he answer, rather good planning and the smell for brewing trouble, this sixth sense helps much. And
   then off course treat the people as your brothers with friendliness.  Be it a Policeman or custom officer. And if possible be as clever as
   the crook. Do not give him chances. The Namibia credit card incident was a costly lesson. But as you know SCB helped

   Closing my eyes in a bunk bed, Harun was still working, I remembered the day when we left Brunei. My family and friends were at the
   Brunei airport as well as our Tourism boss and staff. All kind to come for the farewell. Great people they are and soon we see them
   Monotone the ship engine  rumbled and slowly I drifted into the sleep.

   And you, dear reader if you like to come along, then you got to click Italy.








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Supported by Tourism Board, Ministry  of Industry & Primary Resources