Sunday 30-8-09

   Before noon, we drove into Hamburg; it was heavy raining. From the sky poured as if heavenly firefighters would have open their hoses
   over the devils domain.
   Therefore we did not stay, rather proceeded towards Berlin, the capital of Germany.  The highways are smooth  here, the vehicles are
   plenty and adventures are none. Close to the city, we set ourselves into a camping ground for a cool nights sleep.

   Monday 1-9-09

   Calling the Brunei Embassy in the morning, we had to advise them, of our arrival 2 weeks too early. Not sooner we turned into the
   street his Excellency the Ambassador and staff were down to welcome us. And what we did not know before was, here we saw a
   well-known face of Brunei, which stirred  memories up. Memories, among the best we encountered during our long way back in 2007-
   It was Pehin Datu Inderasugara Brigadier Jeneral (R) Dato Paduka Haji Mohammad Yusof Bin Abu Bakar  whom we met in Myanmar,
   and who is fortunate to have the best Malay cook in the world as his wife. On this statement, Harun insisted upon, remembering the
   fine Rendang we ate in  Myanmar once upon our journey. He is on  assignment in Germany now. One of the best representatives of
   our lovely Nation for sure..

           JAMBO and behind the Brunei flag                                His Excellency, me and the Embassy staff

   It was a short visit as it is Ramadan, fasting month for Muslims.  His Excellency and staff consented for a few memory photo, and
   soon afterwards we were on our way to a sightseeing tour, not too long as we all had fasted since morning and  preferred a rest.

                                         We all in the Embassy of Brunei Darussalam, Berlin

   How kind from them to welcome us. We are only "private travelers" and on no official mission. Although with the intention to "Bring
   Brunei to the World". "Come on, you achieve the impossible" said one German, hearing that we came all the way through Siberia,
   that maybe true, however we are still humble "privatissimos".

   A few words to Germany. It is so much to see and write of her, impossible to bring it in this web site. Therefore we look a bit from a
   unusual standpoint at this great Nation. She has been during most of history in trouble. Sometimes I wonder, if Germany is not the
   whipping boy of our planet. Maybe these great people are simply on a wrong place here in Europe. No neighbor wants them to
   dominate. Would their fatherland be in East Russia or South America or South Africa, the German Volk could develop perhaps more
   free and without conflicts. How many great men of humanity were of German origin.   We all know Schiller, Goethe, Wagner Listz,
   Mozart Haydn, Strauss,Stifter, Duerer,.Nietzsche, Beethoven, to name but a few. These are giants, hard to match. It is, as if the
   German race is  too competent.  Technically excellent, no wonder that the chief thieves of the USA stole over 300.000 patents after
   the war. Against all patent rights laws, there was never a cent coming back to the owners the intellectual property. The justification
   was "War reparations". And the Soviets dismantled whole factories to transport them for reassembly in Russia.
   The German are top engineers, and scientists. composers and musicians. Today, negative propaganda of  inhuman behaviors, lies,
   faked pictures,  numbers and figures, twisting of historical facts, are used, to make the Germans  a Volk without a backbone, they
   are constantly reminded, what bad people they are supposed to be.
   Standing on the Brandenburg gate  the symbol of Germanys unity I looked around, next by the American Embassy, behind the
   Russian, then the French and the Brits. "Who is in charge here?"  is the question. And then the German Bundestag. A Glas building
   designed by? No,  not a German Architect. That would be maybe too much independence. A British fellow won the tender
  The Glas building is perhaps  the symbol of transparency.

             Brandenburg gate the American Embassy flag on the left               The Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial church reminder of the war

   " ...and GOD commanded, sulphur and fire shall  rain from the sky onto Sodom and Gomorrah, to destroy all towns and their people
   and all what as growing in the land..." (Bible)
   That was what had happen in many German cities during the last years of war. When British  Air Marshall Arthur Harris signed on 27
   May 1943  the order number 173 for the destruction of Hamburg , the operation "Gomorrah" begun. About 1000 aircrafts flew that night
   into German airspace to bomb Hamburg. This horror befell many German cities.  1000 dead in Bonn, although, there  was no military
   target. Harries "dead machines" dropped 150.000 fire bombs over Koblenz, burning the historical town. Take Pforzheim an old
   university town and a city known for goldsmiths and jewelry. In the bombing terror of  24 February 1945, 20.000 people were burned to
   dead. The town lay in ashes. All of it. Wiesbaden 1000 dead a night. Worms, Mannheim, Wurzburg, Dresden, Berlin, Munich. Just
   name a few. There are  dozens more. Every town became a symbol of suffering and Satan's actions. It was indiscriminate terror
   bombing with maximum destruction of life and property.  Who can justify such actions before God and Humanity?. May Satan
   welcome all , who murdered  innocent life  wherever er it happen, may he tell them, they will burn in hell  into eternity. We hope his
   domain is big enough for all monsters of history including Hitler and his henchmen. Or if you are a Buddhist, let them be reborn
   as a victim in an African conflict, as a Tutsu perhaps, to be hacked to pieces by machetes of is fellow countrymen. Or become victim 
   in a future nuclear war, which by all accounts of probability is not that far away. "Rot to death" are my grim thoughts.
   The climax of murder on innocent civilians came with the nuclear bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    We close with a poem of  Vera Brittain which she wrote in 1944 in her book "Seed an Chaos":
                                              : "The bitter groan of Hamburg's streets
                                                              The weeping in Milan
                                                   death cries of children trapped and burned,
                                                              Oh, justify who can!   
                                                    For they pierce like a terrible sword
                                                  through the heart of an English man"  
   If his heart is not of stone.

   A visit in a mosque is for a Muslim in a foreign town  a must. We went to Shaid Mosque newly build by the Turkish community.
   Entering, one starts to whisper only, is reluctant to talk. Light was falling through the glass stained windows, believers were studying
   the Koran, it was an almost heavenly atmosphere inside.

                             The mosque entrance                                                                    black cloth from the cover of the Kabah

                                glass stained window                                        beautiful painted cupola surrounded by prophets names

                                                               the prayer hall. Atop Allah and Mohammed in calligraphy

          On two floors, the mosque accommodates 5000 believers for their Friday prayers.

                                        reciting the Koran                                           Colors dominating harmoniously in blue and gold

   On our sightseeing journey we passed parts of the former Berlin wall, here in Berlin stood for many years the communist and the
   capitalist system facing each other. Build by the communists in East Germany to stem the flight of their own people.
   Today she is a background for graffiti artists.

                     Parts of the former Berlin wall                                                                     Castle Charlottenburg

                       The old train station operational until first WW.                            left to warn. A Reminder of terror from the air  

   The afternoon was soon over and before we travelled on, we did what we longed for. Go into a Greek restaurant and enjoy Suflaki, 
   grilled lamb meet, with Zaziki the cucumber yogurt and feta cheese. Gosh, was the belly full. Only a few miles further we retired in a
   camping ground with happy thoughts about Greek islands and Sirtaki music. The bouzouki was still playing in my head, when my
   thoughts faded away for a perfect sleep.  

                                 the Greek dinner                                                 see JAMBO leaning? Because Harun is snoring

   Tuesday 2-9-09

   Dresden was not far away and it took us three hours to reach this town. Once more, here British and American bombers symbolized
   the zenith of terror from the air against German cities. Although they knew the city was full with east German refugees. Therefore no
   one know how many died here. But serious  historian estimate up to 200.000. Who on earth can call such willful actions other than
   satanic? The corpses burned for weeks on the Dresdner Altmarkt., the stench drifting over the river.

                                Dresden rebuild                                                                                         


   Our next town to see was Weimar. the place where this genius, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe lived. 

                                    Goethe as he was

              this is a Trabbi, a few still run in former East Germany                   the gearlever up on the steering. A kind of unique.

   We had not much time again and were on route to Frankfurt. A always we fuel in the appropriate petrol station.
   That is for us TOTAL, the company with spirit, our main sponsor.  Then settled for the night again in our hotel de la JAMBO. 

                                The best diesel for us                                                                evening work, writing
   Wednesday 3-9-09

   From Weimar we traveled into the Harz mountains looking for a special place. An area where Germanic tribes had their occult
   gatherings, an area- which according to hearsay, is still today famous, where in full moon nights, one see witches flying on brooms.
   It is here where they meet in the first week of May and dance in the Walburgsnight on the Hexentanzplatz.. 

   Driving through the forest one could already realize, what a spooky place that is.
   You could not see further than 30 meters into it. Our imagination run wild here. Was there to someone behind the tree.? Is there not
   an owl flying?

   Down in the deep crevice is the Ross Trappe.The story goes, that a princess was escaping on a horse from the very Hexentanzplatz.
   Followed by a giant, both riding a horse. while heirs jumped to the other side, he did not make it and fell in the river far below.
   If you are  a disbeliever, the horseshoe imprint is still visible in the rock.

                The crevice about 500 m wide, over here jumped the princess                                         deep dark forest

                     View from the Hexentanzplatz over the land                                 The rock of  witches, I almost see them sitting there

   We were carefully approaching the scene, ready to escape into or vehicle at once, should anything weird happen.
   And then we saw one,  the master witch right there in that place.
  She was naked. her hair bound together by a snake. On the shoulder lured two rats. On her backside sat a spider.

                           look at the big hands pushing the 3 tons rock                                                  and the snake in the hair
                        spider on the backside                                                              cockroaches crawled over the shoulder

        Under the stone was squeezed, her favored animal, a bat .            "Rat, see what they write about Hexentanzplatz?"

   Gutsy Norhayati was brave enough to come to her, slowly,  step by step to ask the rat for direction. And since the witch did not oppose
    it, she went closer, asking her for a smile on a photo together. The witch did not like it at all and turned her head away in disgust.
   That is why Norhayati had to smile for two.

                       the traveler and the disgusted witch                                                           next by,  the fellow from below

   Then we saw him. Satan, Lucifer or whatever mankind call him. The patron of the Hexentanzplatz. Here he sat on the stone as
   if he is an   innocent someone and not responsible for all bad on the planet. See his cloven hoof.
   "How many of these human monsters   responsible for evil deeds are with you down there?"  Harun asked. The devil screamed in
   delight. "Many, many". Good for you as you
   can get their souls. "Problem, Problem " the devil shouted. " These people have no soul." So what do you do then? asked Harun.
   I roast them in their own bad deeds. Then they feel as their victims felt. "For how long." asked I. "Eternity, Eternity".
    "That is for ever" said Harun. "forever, forever" repeated the devil.
   "Well done devil"  said Harun, and shacked his hand which stunk like like pitch and sulphur. Somehow, this guy was real..


   There are endless stories of witches flying through the air on a broom. Especially on full moon nights,they frighten children.
   We left the spook place rather soon as we still had to go the Frankfurt, and  Konigstein. where IKARUS TOURS,  and the press was
   waiting for us the next morning.
   Our GPS guided us and without deviation we reached the home of Christopher the Asia manager, and our Marketing partner for many
   years. It was a evening with plenty to talk, before we retired in their lovely home. 


   Thursday 4-9-09

   It was raining. By 9:00 am we drove into the parking lot. Welcomed by the boss and staff. Stefan the newspaperman arrived soon
   after, and squeezed us for information's. We talked lengthily about our intentions and travels, but highlighted the cooperation between
   IKARUS TOURS and our company DDLTOURS, too. "BRUNEI DARUSSALAM is the perfect Eco tourist destination.Your readers
   should know that". said I to Stephan the senior reporter.

                                     Cooperation. The "Ikarus tours" Boss Ralph shaking hands with Harun and the Asia team

               In front of their beautiful Office.                                                             Moments, worth to remember

   Dear distinguished and honorable reader. Should you ever like to travel to the end of the world or even beyond. Ikarus tours are the
   people you must talk too first. They are experts. Check out their web site and you have the proof. You like a morning swim in the
   Antarctica and have some ice free of charge,  Ikarus will arrange it. Or you have some mathematical gen inherited and desire now to
   count the sand corns of the Sahara desert, maybe in Tamanrasset or In Sallah, it is Ikarus you talk too.
   Is your wish "A moon close up" since the night of full moon  when  your dream lady surrendered  to your unrelenting advances?.
   Surely, in a dozen years they might arrange a flight to the moon. Together with your former spouse, but that would be eventual an
   extra charge, as she, over time sized up, resembling a hypo now. But that is life.
   If  rainforest, leeches and snakes , Adventure and nature  pure, is what you long for? Go to them again. Together with  us we promise
   you a  holiday, you will not forget. And bring your children too. They deserve it.

                                                              The "newspaper meeting" in the Ikarus office

   Soon after we said good by and were on the way to Munich, to stay with friends, long not seen.

   Friday 5-9-09

Can one be squeezed with questions. That what had happen the evening in our friends house. The night was therefore short.
   We left after early breakfast, but before we made a visit at the local newspaper to say hello. They might bring our visit in the next
   issue maybe under the headline:
   The first Brunei car in Germering, ever!

                                   newspaper office                                                                 the reporter lady with us   

   The remaining travel into Austria was in heavy rain. The cloud formations had a look as if doomsday has arrived. A kind of strange.


    JAMBO run smooth and steady, no complain whatsoever. Thanks to our Toyota  dealer NBT. We will stay here in the mountains until
    Tuesday the 9-09-09 and proceed to Paris where we meet our Embassy, as our  journey continues.

   Saturday and Sunday  6-9 and 7-9-09

   Washing cloth, removing Siberia out of all,  talking as every Sunday morning to Rampai Pagi, life. I was standing by 3.00 am already
   outside the mountain home to get the best satellite connection, yet it cut off a few times .It was cold, quiet and full moon. Harun slept
   the long sleep of a traveler who accomplished the task we had set before us.
  Reflecting back, we believe to have succeeded 'Binging Brunei to the world" wherever  we travelled. Many people have asked about
  Brunei, in Russia and the Scandinavian countries and even in Germany. How many passing motorist honked and showed the thumb up.
  "Great what you two are doing." It gives a kind of encouragement being recognized, it showed us that we are on the right track.
  However, should  you ask: "Traverse Siberia once more?" We have to decline: "No Sir, not that soon again. That is for sure."
  Distinguished reader, should you like to follow  us, further then click FRANCE where our wondrous journey continues