Wednesday 19-8-09

   We had crossed the Russian border into Finland. Suddenly Harun smiled and it looked as if a heavy load fell from his broad shoulders.
   The border offices are new, almost elegant, one could chat with the women officers and make jokes.
   No more these officials with soviet stone masks we had to endure for weeks. 
   The passport check took 2 minutes. Two Custom men went to JAMBO, just to look at our roadmap and that was it. We purchased an
   insurance for whole Europe for Euro 435.- valid a half year. And out we were on clean, wide roads, no littering whatsoever. The Fins
   truly respect their environment. They are taught from small to persevere their heritage. On every stop there are litterbins. Cleanness is
   paramount. It was such a difference.

                                 Finland  bus stop                                                 He had soil and grass on the roof, that insulates

   Finland, the eight largest country in Europe is sparsely populated. only 5.3 million Fin's share this nation, mostly living in the south.
   The landscape is covered by coniferous taiga forest. Finland was historically part of Sweden and Swedish is the second mother tongue
   of every 20th resident. Finland is ranked as the second most stable country in the world. It is large. From the southernmost point to
   Hanko the northernmost it is about 1500 km.

                         That is Gods own country                                                                       The reindeer has the right of way

   Roads are superb, traffic is little. Rolling along with 80 km/h, on both sides either forest and lakes. Once a while a reindeer or caribou.
   You stop and allow the animal to pass. No rubbish. Nowhere! No police. In 3 days we did not see one police car. What a pleasure for
   eyes and soul it is, to be here.

                            The air cold but the water still warm, this combination creates the mist you see here rising

   One clear cold morning standing on a nameless lake, one of thousands in Finland, We were reluctant to talk. Just looking and listening
    the sound of the forest, I felt like an intruder, but with immense feeling of peace within me.
           the white, dominate male and leader of the herd                                                  Native Sami peoples dwelling

                                                                                   our overnight stay
   We camped here. When we left we went twice around to make sure we did not leave one piece of paper behind. The environment
   forces you to respect it. It was the first night freezing.  Our bonnet show the ice formed there.

                  The grass was covered with ice crystals                                                    JAMBO's bonnet, ice from the night

                         DST beyond the Arctic circle                                                     and our Islamic bank too

   Thursday 20-8-09

    We covered more ground towards North. Somewhere we crossed the Arctic circle, marked on the pavement.


   Thursday 20-8-09

The landscape is slowly changing. Before flat, it was hilly no

                                       bus stop shelter                                                               three Thai picking blueberries

   When driving along a secondary road, with little or almost no traffic, we saw a car with hanger at the roadside, and three guys. They
   looked Asian. So we stopped and reversed. "From where are you?"  "Thailand" . "And what are you doing here in the middle of the
   forest?" "Pick blueberry" he said. It is true, one can find these berries here, they are used to make Jam. But how does three Thai
   come to Finland's innermost forests to pick berries and make a living out of it, is surely another wondrous story.

   We are further up now and coming to the border of Norway, which we crossed unhindered. The road spread into two lanes. One had a
   green traffic light and a signboard. NOTHING TO DECLARE.
   The other lane a red light, SOMETHING TO DECLARE. In the building next by was no officer. They went already home.
   We drove through as all travelers do and were in Norway. Our story here into Norway continues, as we intend to travel  in and out of
   both  Nations
   Somewhere on the riverside we had another fine sleep. No worry about being robbed. How relaxing it was.                          

   Friday 21-8-09

   Passing Karasjok town, we  went further up north, passed Lakselv  and got the first view of the Persanger fjorden.



   Then on, along the fjord towards Honningvaeg the last town before the Nord Cape. We had to go under the sea in a 6 km tunnel, before
   we reached the town.

                6 km under the sea. a hole in the rock and we drown                                                        Honningsvaeg       

   Here we met Troll. This fellow, a dwarf loves the dark. He leaves the sun to others. Some say, he is a mythical figure, others insist
   he is real and they had seen him while hiking in the loneliness of the rocky northern tundra. Especially close to midnight, which
   in summer has still some daylight. Sitting next to caves and in rocky vertical cliffs, watching earthly folks, that is his pleasure.


   Not the prettiest of comrades though, but a jolly good fellow. People must have seen him. Otherwise how would one know how he
   looks like. Notice his four toes and fingers. Harun had no respect stretched his back hanging  himself on the long organ used to smell
   and occasionally sneeze.


   The following night, we slept in a motel, Troll came to our room. He looked upset. Maybe because of Harun, who pulled his nose
   down. I know you would not believe it. but please explain, why do I wake up by 3 am with the feeling that someone was in the room?
   Looking down my bed there was this little fellow smiling and looking at me. He had ugly teeth.  It was  already the first morning light
   coming through the window, and there he was, I'm sure. This shade next to the cupboard. When I turned my head to wake Harun and
   looked again, he was gone.
   A kind of strange situation it was indeed.

   Saturday 22-8-09

   This troll visit still in mind, we proceeded to North Cape, only  21 km away. Dear Brunei reader, theses pictures coming are unique.
   Everyone is history. A Bruneians reach with a Brunei car the North Cape.

     Our countries name I laid out in stones, it will remain 100 years                     This is the Northern most point of Europe

               Remember? From the South Cape of Africa                                             to the North Cape of Europe

   Dear reader out of Brunei, these two pictures tell a story! In-between are ten of thousands of kilometers, we travelled alone.
   In-between lies hardship and endurance, fighting with the elements and with corrupt officials. In-between are 39 countries,
   We have travelled.  In-between lies Siberia the worst of all lands traversed. Ask yourself, how many people did this in recent times?
   You do not know? You can count them on your hands. Are you concerned or -regrettable- disinterested?
   Are you proud to be Bruneian as I'm? Bringing Brunei to the world, raising our flag for our beloved Brunei, for that I spend my own
   money too. But sponsors helped. No, not the very big guns of Brunei, I begged but they refused so far.
   But others jumped in where the heavy weights failed.  
   Travelers we meet all the time; they bow their head in respect, hearing of our achievements. They know what it takes to go that far.
   Do you know it too? Can you value it? Or are you foolishly thinking this is a holiday trip?
   Please value what I said. We will need your financial help too, if we proceed Trans-Africa west in February 2010.
   From the North Cape I drop these word like a lead weight into your conscience. it will stay there, will bother you until such time you
   realize, I have to give too. It is for the sake of our beloved Brunei, and heir history.

   We shot these pictures on the North Cape, it was cold and very windy. The land is barren, no bush, no tree.

                                                           Historical moments. JAMBO on the North Cape  

                         always curiosity and respect                                                    my hubby and driver (most of the time)

   Two Italians came, attracted by our logos, to enquire about our journey and Brunei. They are here on heavy motorcycles.
   "Next time we come to Brunei" one said.
   The later afternoon we took free, meaning we did something for ourselves and went to a bird safari. There were Puffin birds, nesting in
   the slopes of some small islands. We hoped to see them.
   Distinguished by their colorful peak they live 20 over years, live in monogamy (more faithful than many of us) made their burrow
   up to two meters deep to nest, to which they always return.
   The drive down to Gjevaer fishing village, a 21 km, took only a half hour. It nestled itself in a protected cove, fishing boats and a one
   trawlers. That was all.

                                                                                         Gjesvaer village

   Luck- as always-  was with us, we had to wait only 30 minutes, then the bird safari would sail out to the islands.
   You are lucky said the captain.
   The weather is fine and only one busload is coming and no Italians among them. "Why you say that" I asked. " They are very
   loud" he said smiling, looking at our Video camera. "You cannot film without their noise."

                           our ship  docked at Gjesavaer                                                              the pier and peaceful the sea

              the bird island. On the green slopes the Puffin birds nests                                       a cormorant taking off
                         sailing in protected waters                                                                      a cormorant colony

              the only  Puffin we got into our lens                                          here were supposed to be thousands

   "Mr. Capitano" Harun said. You have 26 passengers on the ship everyone paying euro 50.- that is 1300 euro. Can you not feed the
   Puffin some of your fish drying on the dock? Instead of eating all yourself? That they stay here around and your "No bird safari"
   becomes valuable?  He said nothing. Not his fault either. But they made allot of propaganda for a few diving birds.

                                             dry fish protected by fishing nets. "better feed the Puffin" Harun thinks

   Also this day is coming to an end and we close today with a picture you have never seen anywhere.
   The reindeer on the football field, waiting for the game to begin.

                                                                                 Where is the football?

   Sunday 23-8-09

   Before we finally turn our steering wheel toward south and Berlin, which is to be our next destination we  went along the rugged coast
   with fjords cutting deep into the land. Like ,fingers stretches the peninsulas towards north into the sea. Halvoya are they called by the
   Norwegian. We went eastwards from Porsangerhalvoa with the North cape to Nordkinnhalvoya and the last fishing village of Gamvik.
   Although Norway it is called Finn mark The road all in all about 280 km was fine. Where there is shelter from gusty winds and harsh
   weather, some smaller trees and even grass flourish, like in protected areas of bays. Some flowers around the houses indicate the
   love of its owners, and even  few cows we had seen too. But as soon as one climbs the road up to the hilltops, the land changes
   dramatically. Bare rock and stones prevail and only in small sheltered niches moss and lichen grows. There the reindeer feed.
   Although we had seen a flock of 5 in the townhouse garden of Kvalsund, grazing in haste the juicy green grass, which the sunny,
   southerly exposure produced. A kind of lawnmower each of them and fertilizing the garden at the same time. They did not bother that
   the owner was hacking in his mini garden next by. But where the land changes to tundra like vegetation with mosses, where ice wind
   blows, plants duck from the forces. Small bushes still grow, but no more upright. Because of storm and weather, they dare not to raise
   their branches from the ground. They grow , but along the surface only and spread their branches and small leaves  (big ones would
   torn off by the wind) like a spider web.
   It is truly a harsh climate for any type of vegetation to live.
   Reindeer need minerals too. Sea salt which contains a lot of them, like odium. Therefore they come to the shore, licking salty stones
   and nibble at low tide on exposed seaweed. All by instinct. They know what the body needs.

            a bush growing along the ground                                                   reindeer at the shore for minerals

   Stopping a the Silfar canyon, where the river had cut into the rocks through time not remembered, the greenish clear water rushing
   down, squeezing itself though, creating whirl pools on rock edges and still deep ponds. We could see the bottom fish a 3 meter below.
   It was ice-cold, yet Harun took a dip (for about 3 seconds.)

                                                            The Silvar canyon with clear greenish rushing waters 

   After a few hours driving northwards, we  reached Gamvik and the northern most  lighthouse of Europe. The weather was till fine,
   remarkable up here, where it is usually foggy and has not more than 8 degree in summer. This lighthouse is made of cast iron.

           The only cast iron lighthouse we know off                                     high up we are only a few "minutes' below North Cape

                        the swivel of a cannon still remains                                                             A bunker entrance

   The Germans were here in the second world war for several years. Fortifications along the shore of Gamvik testify of it.
   These soldiers had the task to defend the coast  against the advancing Russians. Unfortunately, before retreat, they blow up many

   Sitting now in  our JAMBO  on the rocky shore of the Northern ocean, it is shortly after 8 pm and the sun is still over the horizon.
   Waves pounder unhindered the rocky shoreline, a small island off shore a half mile away is literally covered with seagulls, their cry his
   heard over, quarreling among themselves.
   The grayish sea  stretches belong the North pole, there is nothing but chill and ice further up; and UFO's?.

   A story flashes my mind, which I share with you now.
   William Cooper an American Naval officer with top clearance wrote a book "Behold a pale horse" before he was killed by an low level 
   sheriff in the States, which he predicted will happen. His book make interesting reading, As he had access to top secret files, he
   exposes some secret activities of the US governments. But what has it to do with us here on North Norway shores? Well, after the
   Vietnam war, he was for a time commanded to an submarine, which patrolled on routine in the pacific ocean. I not sure anymore
   where but when one day he was up in the tower on the surface with a few other officers, observing the horizon as usually, a big disc
   rose only a few hundred meters from the submarine out of he water,  and accelerated into the clouds. All three men had seen it. They
   reported the event to the captain. Several day later returning to their base he was interrogated by some high ranking Navy officials.
   "What did you  see out there?" Well, an UFO sir" "You saw nothing, Cooper you understand? "Nothing!"

                                                       The foggy,  grayish  Arctic sea. Are there UFO stations beneath?

   Was this  true or made he the story up? .Likely it is the truth. as said he was killed, but before several attempts on his live were
   made, as he knew too much and he went public with it.
   Looking and scanning the grayish sea now here, I had hoped, that something similar may happen and I would finally get the
   confirmation that we are visited by aliens.   (But nothing).
   Monday 24 8-09

                                                                                    The fishing village of Gamvik

   Early morning we started JAMBO our fine machine checked and serviced so well back in Brunei by NBT. We drove all day
   southbound. The landscape remains the same s as we had seen before, only slowly changing, becoming more greener, first
   occasionally small trees in wind shelters, then more often until forests spread again lavishly on both sides of the road.

   In a town we met Sergei, he is with his motorcycle on the road since the year 2000. Mute and deaf. Unbelievable. Just look, he had
   his whole cupboard content with him. On both sides of the machine large suitcases mounted. And he still drives balanced for
   thousands of kilometer. Compared with him, what a comfort we enjoy, having our sleeping room, the kitchen, the bath with us.

                                          His two wheel donkey, and him, the lonely traveler, Sergei from Minsk

   Tuesday  25-8-09

   For the night rest we went to a riverside and slept a fine undisturbed sleep.
   By 630 am we were up, the sun was jus luring over the horizon, it was close to freezing. The warmer water created some fog and these
   picturesque scenes.

                          a cold, beautiful Finland morning                                                   even our three sponsors seem to freeze
   But not these two fellows. although we assume only a lunatic would have a dip in the ice waters. Harun even washes his hair and
   survived." Go for a pee first, never after" he said. Everything shrinks. It is hard to find the "comrade" afterwards.


                                 Only a lunatic (or hardened adventurers out of Brunei) will survive these chilled waters

   The day will be long again, we turned finally into Sweden. the roads are fine. Only a signboard indicted where Finland ends and
   Sweden begins. No check whatsoever. It will be a long drive until Berlin.

   Honorable reader click SWEDEN now where our journey continues