Denmark Saturday  29-8-09       

   After a short hop with the ferry coming from Sweden, we crossed the border by late afternoon.

                     a view from the commando bridge                                              JAMBO in the empty ship belly 

   This is the third border-crossing, without control. No immigration officer demand to see your travel documents, no scrutinizing look
   from a custom inspector and the question: "anything to declare?". These men got other task to do or were send home into early
   pension. Their empty border offices stand as reminder of times when there was no EU agreement. Grass grows high around them now. 

                      not too far anymore                                                                   guiding the ships; a lighthouse

                                                       Parliament building and the "Rat house"

   Driving through Copenhagen slowly into the center, one quickly realizes that the the city is very clean. Even the water of the inner
   harbor can be used for swimming. Copenhagen has been recognized as the world most livable cities in 2008. There are 1.3 million
   urban inhabitants. 36 % of all commute by bicycle to work. Wide lanes are reserved for them. It seems, the cyclists rule the road,
   pacing along blue marked areas. Copenhagen has many parks and it is not enough as of yet. As per municipal policy, by the year
   2015, every citizen must be able to reach a park within 15 minutes. In line with his policy more parks are under development, although
   Copenhagen is the greenest city we have seen so far.

   The Danes are rich, dominating in many fields of science and engineering. One finds their consulting firms on every corner of our plant.
   Consulting is know how and there the Danes strongest.
   We were on the way to Germany. We headed westwards to Nyborg, to drive on to  Odense and Flensburg in Germany proper. Shortly
   after the bridge, which spans for maybe 8 km over the Oresund we turned into a camping ground on the shores.

            The bridge, the long and direct connection south                                                and in the morning sun

   We are like space tourists. Every night in another country. Yesterday Sweden today Denmark, tomorrow it will be Germany. I
   wondered myself, but we got to rush as our timing does not allow us to be somewhere idle.
   Europe is fine to travel, however there are no excitements as there were in Africa.The continent is well organized, roads are fine, no
   thievery and the weather is still good, meaning warm and sometimes sunny.
   We are about to complete the first leg of our journey in UK. How grateful we are to all our sponsors. Especially TOTAL, the Islamic
   bank, DST the communication expert and last not least the Individuals from the gentlemen like sheikh Abas and Sheik Khalid (Arab
   family) But also the numerous small donors which once at the exhibition donated. little by little that finally thousand dollars came
   JAMBO our companion rolling along strong and proud, carrying the name of Brunei, this fine machine was prepared by NBT back
   home, serviced and fixed. One must say with respect, these engineers knew what they were doing. Thanks to them too.
   And Bru Tel with their Satellite phone, witch helps to remain in touch, all free of charge.  We were very worried in Russia, should the
   custom find it. But all is over now.  Without  their help, their patriotism and love for our small but beautiful Brunei, we would not be
   here. I recalled that the first time 2007-2008 we spend B$ 72.000 to complete a journey, no other woman ever did. This time, "To bring
   Brunei to the World"  we could not afford such a burden again.  These time, I omit, we have to rely on the good heart of others.

   These were the last thoughts I had before I slumber into the night. From a large tent a 100 m away loud music reached our ears. An
    evening gathering of the camping guests. Elvis Presley sung. "I wan to be your teddy bear" and  in beer mood men held their favored
    women, looking deep into eyes, searching for a promise of an erotic adventure. Off course there are also those where the flame of
   desire had withered after 25 years of marriage and countless family quarrels.   

   Sunday 30-8-09

   The party last night in a tent was loud and long. These fellows were happy drunk, she ended only well beyond 1 am in the morning.
    Waking up by 3:00am to call our TV in Brunei, for the Rampai pagi program, I looked at our thermometer in the car, it had 8 degree.
   Already by  6:00 am I was crawling out of JAMBO, warm dressed now, walking with the toiletry to the shower rooms in a hundred
    meter distance, for a total washing catastrophe.

                    The expensive camping night                                                     the shower coin automat 3 minutes B$ 2.-

   If I want a warm shower I had to buy a jetton for about 1 euro. This will open the warm water for 3 minutes.
   "We always shower cold" will the Bruneian reader now commend. Yes, true, but not if it had outside 8 degree. People run here 
   around with jackets  and still shiver.
   So by 6.00 I went to the cabin and put the jetton to the machine. It mad a loud "CLACK", the valve had open, instantly, the shower
   head spate the warm water.
   Now I must rush to get under quickly. Here was my first mistake. I should  get ready like a hundred meter sprinter for the moment,
   before I put the coin in the slot.. My dresses were flying in he cabin around, that much I hurry, until finally I enjoyed the warm water
   pouring over me.
   But there was already a minute or more gone. Where did I put the shampoo? Ah I remember it is on the bench under the dress.
   Shampoo on the head, how nice; I do not know how much time was gone, maybe a half minute when it made the second time
   "CLACK". Now the automatic timer of the room  light had shut it off.. "Holly molly"  It was now dark in the room. Where was the
   sensor? Oh yes I recall, next to the door. I was searching like a blind until my movements triggered the switch. "CLACK" , the light
   was on again. Under the hot shower now, just starting to wash the soap down, it  made another" CLACK" and the warm water was
   off. I few drops still came out, then nothing.. This technique had no mercy with my situation. A water hose to wash the floor, was all I
   had .Ice-cold water on the head, one gets headache from it. And as the mediating lamas say: "It is all in the mind" I repeated to
   myself when I flushed the soap from the body shaking like a tree leaf in the wind. "It is not cold Its all in the mind, it is not cold..."

   The further journey was on Autobahn or Highway as it is called. Somewhere in Northern Germany storks assembled, parents  with
    their  "this year born" to practice their fling skill. Soon is winter, before it will go south for thousands of kilometer.         


   This is an indication, winter is spreading its cold and chilly wings over the land we were traveling towards Berlin.
   Dear reader click Germany if you are interested how we encountered witches and much more..

Please click Germany where our wondrous journey continues